The advantages of organic fertilizer processed by organic fertilizer manufacturing equipment are as follows:
(1) Organic fertilizer is a kind of agricultural fertilizer processed by the equipment system of organic fertilizer production line. Organic fertilizer not only contains a large number of nutrients and trace elements necessary for plants, but also contains rich organic nutrients such as humic acid, Vitamins, auxin, antibiotics and small molecule compounds of organic nitrogen and phosphorus.

Therefore, organic fertilizer is the most comprehensive fertilizer. In addition, the amount of organic fertilizer allowed varies widely and usually does not harm crop growth. The use of organic fertilizer not only increases the crop yield in the current season, but also remains effective after several years, and the effect of fertilizer is slow and lasting.
(2) Organic fertilizer can improve soil physical and chemical properties and soil fertility. Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, generally about 200g / kg. Organic matter is an important material basis of soil fertility. Humus is the main part of soil organic matter, accounting for 50% – 65% of the total soil organic matter.

Humus is a complex organic colloid, which can adjust and buffer soil pH. Increasing the amount of soil cation substitution can improve the soil fertility retention; Increasing the content of soil organic matter is conducive to the formation of good soil structure, especially water stable aggregates. Increasing soil structure can improve soil compactness, aeration, water holding rate and thermal conditions, which have a good effect on water and determine soil fertility by fertilizer, gas and thermal conditions.
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It is beneficial to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil and improve soil fertility.
(3) Organic fertilizer promoted soil microbial activity. Soil microorganism plays an important role in the transformation of organic matter, and is one of the important indicators to measure the level of soil fertility.
For example, the mineralization process of organic matter in soil, the effective process of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in soil and the biological nitrogen fixation process of beans are all related to the role of soil microorganisms.
Therefore, on the one hand, the application of organic fertilizer increased the number and quantity of beneficial microorganisms in soil, on the other hand, it provided good environmental conditions for soil microbial activity, and significantly enhanced soil microbial activity.