What are the phases of maturation and development in natural manure creation line?
1. In the beginning phase of stacking: when the temperature of the reactor ascends to around 50 ℃, it is called warming stage. The reactor temperature scope of 25 ~ 40 ℃ is reasonable for some moderate temperature microbial exercises.
2. High temperature stage: following 2 ~ 3 days, the reactor temperature ascends to 50 ~ 60 ℃, which is called high temperature stage. As of now, countless thermophilic microorganisms supplanted the first mesophilic microorganisms, and humification measure was done simultaneously.
How to pass judgment on the fruition of aging in natural manure creation line?
3. Cooling stage: the reactor temperature continuously dips under 50 ℃, which is called cooling stage. As of now, the species and amount of microorganisms in the reactor are more than those in the high temperature stage. In this stage, the decomposable natural material grid in the reactor diminishes pointedly, and humification is predominant.
4. The gathering of humus in the fertilizer expanded essentially. The stacking materials ought to be compacted and covered with soil, so the anaerobic cellulose disintegrating microscopic organisms can likewise overwhelmingly decay cellulose, and gradually complete the later development.
Through the over four phases, the fertilizer was totally matured and deteriorated. Go to https://compostturnermachine.com/compost-tank/ for more details.